ICAROS systems are the choice of top-tier therapy and training centers. Discover the difference for yourself and set up a presentation appointment.
Proven Quality
ICAROS takes pride in developing certified products that meet the highest safety and usability standards. Our research and development efforts have received support from the German Ministry for Education and Ministry of Economics.
主要なスポーツ科学研究所が実施した研究結果から、ICAROSのマシンを使ったフィットネストレーニングは筋力、コーディネーション能力及びバランス感覚を高める効果があることが明らかになっています。 ICAROS マシンを利用したプランク運動からは床に膝をついて行う従来のプランク運動の2倍の筋肉活性効果が得られます。カロリー消費量は約30% 増大します。こうしたことから、ICAROS マシンを使ったフィットネストレーニングは体幹筋の安定性、機能性及び反応性の持続的な改善に最適です。
"They had to pry me off it."
"5 Total-Body Workout Machines That Put Your Treadmill To Shame."
"It's such fun I'm sorry to stop"
"The Fitness-Revolution."
"See These Companies Use Virtual reality To Make Fitness Addictive."
"We'll take this over Wii Tennis any day."
"Need a spot of Exercise but nan't face the gym? Love gaming but not the couch? ICAROS could be the answer."
"Virtual Reality Hits The Gym."
„If traditional workouts leave you bored, the new fitness experience from ICAROS will allow you to burn calories while flying or diving through virtual landscapes.”
"Goodbye dusty rowing machine, hello virtual-reality workout"