Latest Installations - Lanserhof at The Arts Club, London

The world’s leading medical spa and London’s most iconic private members’ club are partnering to bring London’s finest medical gym to the former Dover Street Market building opposite the club, opening July 2019.

The world’s leading medical spa and London’s most iconic private members’ club are partnering to bring London’s finest medical gym to the former Dover Street Market building opposite the club, opening July 2019.
Lanserhof at The Arts Club will be the ultimate medical and gym facility in London, enabling both members of London’s premier private member's club and clients of Lanserhof direct access to some of the world’s foremost medical experts and cutting-edge treatments. The medical facility will be led by Lanserhof’s multi-award-winning team of Doctors and health professionals.
As part of the program that will be available at Lanserhof at The Arts Club, members will have access to high-end diagnostics and medical facilities as well as a world-class gym including an ICAROS Health.

Of course, ICAROS is both proud and happy to contribute to and to be part of this unique concept!

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