ICALETHICS: The New Workout Experience

Get yourself ready for an innovative and unique way to get in shape and strengthen your muscles! Available for purchase from May 2019!

ICALETHICS is the first fully digital exercise experience combining effective and healthy workouts with motivating training experiences.

ICALETHICS was developed with leading sports scientists in order to make its four individual programs


A healthy back is the result of improved stability, functionality and reactivity of your core. This exercise program guides you through an effective and complete core workout developed with leading sports scientists.

FLY YOGA is going deep. This intense exercise program takes your sense for balance to the next level. 9 Plank- and Yoga based exercises in 16 variations improve your range of motion, core strength and balance.

Push yourself to the maximum. POWER UP builds up your chest-, shoulder- and core muscles with 11 extremely demanding exercises like bird-dogs and dynamic push-ups in17 variations.

Speed up your muscles. This body control and reaction exercise will boost your physical performance. FAST FORWARD combines 5 challenging exercises with 16 highly dynamic variations.

ICALETHICS - Smart muscles. Strong Core. Healthy back.


For further information and orderings of our products feel free to contact us through our website or send us an e-mail at info(at)icaros.com or check out our online store at shop.icaros.com!


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