We are looking for Medical Sales Representatives

Are you an ambitious and highly motivated individual with a passion for healthcare and sales? Join our team at ICAROS, a leading innovator in the field of virtual reality fitness and therapy equipment, as a Medical Sales Representative.

In this role, you will be responsible for promoting and selling our innovative full-body workout and rehabilitation equipment that combines virtual reality technology with gamification to make exercise more engaging and entertaining. You will collaborate with our team of experts to educate and inform healthcare professionals about the benefits of our product, while also building and maintaining strong relationships with our customers.

We are looking for a candidate with a degree in healthcare or a related field and a minimum of 2 years of experience in medical sales. Strong communication, organizational, and negotiation skills are essential, as well as a proven track record of achieving sales targets. Don't miss this exciting opportunity to be a part of a growing and innovative company. Apply now.

Working at ICAROS GmbH offers a variety of exciting opportunities, including:

  • The chance to work with international customers and expand your professional network.
  • Being part of a young and dynamic team that is passionate about innovation and technology.
  • The opportunity to work with cutting-edge products and technologies that are revolutionizing the fitness and therapy industry.
  • The chance to be a part of a company that is constantly pushing the boundaries of what's possible and is always looking for new and better ways to help people.
  • A cool office environment that fosters creativity and collaboration.
  • The possibility of professional growth in a innovative and forward-thinking company.
  • The opportunity to make a real difference in people's lives through the use of our products in orthopedic and neurological therapy and rehabilitation.
  • The chance to work in a dynamic and fast-paced industry, with plenty of opportunities for learning and growth.

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