
Aktuelle Informationen zu Veranstaltungen, neuen Produkten und offenen Stellenangeboten.

ICALETHICS now introduces a real classic to the exercise of the 21st century

eSports meets fitness when the best ICAROS pilots of the world battle for the world championship.


We are super proud to announce that Red Bull, a major player of the sport, lifestyle and e-gaming universe is part of…

Take Part in the ICARACE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2019 in Munich, October 11th!

On September 21, the Red Bull uneversE will open its doors to the Red Bull Gaming World by Logitech G at the Swiss…

Connect with ICAROS and more than 15,000 attendees from the leisure and attractions industry at IAAPA Expo Europe.

In the city of Nagoya, Japan, you'll find one of the most advanced medical gyms in the world

ICAROS is looking forward to presenting at Europe's largest consumer electronics show.

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